Tuesday 10 November 2009

Take 2 spoons of Pride. Add milk. Stir. Enjoy.

See what I did there? I took the recipe of the chocolate Nesquik milk I drink so often these days (addictive stuff, I tell you), and replaced ‘delicious Nesquik powder’ with the word ‘pride’. Why? Well…

Firstly, because I finally managed to get myself behind my laptop, and write something decent for a change (referring to my post on the Mozambiquan informal economy below). I’m happy to share with you that I’m currently contemplating writing a short piece on servicing the needs at the Bottom of the Pyramid, but probably not before the end of the week as I’ll be on a field visit for two-three days as of tomorrow.
Secondly, I have finally taken some pictures of Chimoio, so you can all now see where it is that I live (mainly pictures of streets, but still).


Ate a proxima (still learning more and more Portuguese every day J)


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